Basically there were three things of interest I included on the main page:
1) In addition to Goodchilds, the rest of the researchers mentioned (Gail Zellman, Paula D. Johnson, and Roseann Giarrusso ) were all researchers at UCLA at the time.
2) The study did not use the term "rape."
3) The study, in addition to the survey data presented in the table, also included giving the teenagers "27 vignettes of dating experiences and asked them to rate..." [sorry, page cuts off].
I Never Called It Rape. Robin Warshaw.
Thanks John, Morgan, & many others!
1) In addition to Goodchilds, the rest of the researchers mentioned (Gail Zellman, Paula D. Johnson, and Roseann Giarrusso ) were all researchers at UCLA at the time.
2) The study did not use the term "rape."
3) The study, in addition to the survey data presented in the table, also included giving the teenagers "27 vignettes of dating experiences and asked them to rate..." [sorry, page cuts off].
I Never Called It Rape. Robin Warshaw.
Thanks John, Morgan, & many others!